Odoo Retrieving Config Setting in SQL
Within the res.config.settings
model, two fields are declared: report_forecast_month
and report_past_month
. These fields represent some configuration. Each field is associated with a configuration parameter key (config_parameter
) named 'report_forecast_month'
and 'report_past_month'
class ResConfigSettings(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'res.config.settings'
report_forecast_month = fields.Integer(string='Report Forecast Month', default=12, config_parameter='report_forecast_month')
report_past_month = fields.Integer(string='Report Past Month', default=24, config_parameter='report_past_month')
Retrieve configuration settings within an SQL query. It utilizes a common table expression (CTE) named config.
with config as (
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day' + interval '1 month' * coalesce((select icp.value
from ir_config_parameter icp
where icp."key" = 'report_forecast_month')::integer, 12) as forecast,
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) - interval '1 month' * coalesce((select icp.value
from ir_config_parameter icp
where icp."key" = 'report_past_month')::integer, 24) as past
Using the CTE config
, we can calculate the start date for the past period and then join it with the sales
table to filter the data accordingly.
select *
from sales
join config on sales.order_date >= config.past;