Odoo Customizing and Configuring the Database Setup
To customizing and configuring the database setup. Add a new key-value pair to the dictionary with the key post_init_hook
and the value as the name of the function you want to use as the post-init hook.
'name': 'Your Module Name',
'version': '1.0',
'summary': 'Summary of your module',
'description': 'Description of your module',
'author': 'Your Name',
'category': 'Category',
'depends': ['base'],
'data': [
# Other module data files
'installable': True,
'post_init_hook': '_post_init',
Update the __init__.py
file to include the _post_init
function, In this example the _post_init(cr, registry)
function do the following:
- Activates the French language (‘fr_FR’) in the ‘res.lang’ model.
- Calls the
function to automatically activates a specific configuration setting. - Updates various fields of the ‘base.main_company’ record, such as name, website, email, address, VAT number, invoice terms, logo, colors, etc.
- Updates translations for the ‘invoice_terms’ field in French.
- Calls the
functions to clean up onboarding and digest related data. - Creates a new ‘base.document.layout’ record, assigns it to the main company, and sets the font and report layout for document printing.
- Updates the ‘report_footer’ field of the ‘base.main_company’ record.
- Creates a new product template for a web service and sets the appropriate taxes, type, and other properties.
- Sets a configuration parameter ‘service_product_id’ with the ID of the created service product template.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import logging
from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, api, tools, _
from odoo.modules import get_resource_path
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _remove_digest(env):
'state': 'deactivated',
def _remove_onboarding(env):
'account_setup_bank_data_state': 'done',
'account_setup_fy_data_state': 'done',
'account_setup_coa_state': 'done',
'account_setup_taxes_state': 'done',
'account_onboarding_invoice_layout_state': 'done',
'account_onboarding_create_invoice_state': 'done',
'account_onboarding_sale_tax_state': 'done',
'account_invoice_onboarding_state': 'closed',
'account_dashboard_onboarding_state': 'closed',
'account_setup_bill_state': 'done',
'sale_quotation_onboarding_state': 'closed',
'sale_onboarding_order_confirmation_state': 'done',
'sale_onboarding_sample_quotation_state': 'done',
def _auto_activate(env):
'use_invoice_terms': True,
def get_resource(filename):
img_path = get_resource_path('dashan', 'static/assets/' + filename)
with tools.file_open(img_path, 'rb') as f:
return base64.b64encode(f.read())
def _post_init(cr, registry):
logging.info("Post initialization")
env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
'name': 'Victor',
'website': 'https://victorhachard.fr/',
'email': 'hello@victorhachard.fr',
'street': '',
'zip': '',
'city': '',
'vat': '',
'invoice_terms': "The customer acknowledges having read and accepted the general conditions of sale listed at the following address: https://victorhachard.fr/conditions-generales-de-vente/",
'country_id': env.ref('base.be').id,
'logo': get_resource('icon.png'),
'external_report_layout_id': env.ref('web.external_layout_standard').id,
'primary_color': '#ffffff',
'secondary_color': '#ffffff',
env.ref('base.main_company').update_field_translations('invoice_terms', {
'fr_FR': "Le client reconnait avoir pris connaissance et accepté les conditions générales de vente reprises à l'adresse suivante : https://victorhachard.fr/conditions-generales-de-vente/"
bdl = env['base.document.layout'].create({
'company_id': env.ref('base.main_company').id,
'font': 'Roboto',
'report_layout_id': env.ref('web.report_layout_boxed').id,
'report_footer': 'VICTOR | hello@victorhachard.fr | victorhachard.fr'
service_tmpl_id = env['product.template'].create({
'name': 'Web Site',
'taxes_id': [(6, 0, env['account.tax'].search([('name', '=', '21%')]).ids)],
'detailed_type': 'service',
'purchase_ok': False,
'sale_ok': True
env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param('service_product_id', str(service_tmpl_id.id))
logging.info("Finish post initialization")