⚠️ Warning: tested on Odoo 11.0, 13.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, and 18.0.

Install the pygelf package

⚠️ Warning: the latest release of pygelf is version 0.4.2, and it has not been updated since October 2021.

Install the pygelf package using pip:

pip install pygelf

Update the Odoo configuration

In the __init__(self, fname=None) method from the configmanager class, add this line to introduce a new logging option for Seq::

group.add_option('--log-seq', dest='log_seq', help="Logging to seq")

When starting the Odoo server, you can specify the Seq server in one of two ways:

  • Command Line:
    ./odoo-bin --log-seq=seq-server:port
  • Configuration File:
    Add the following to your odoo.conf file:
    log_seq = seq-server:port

Modify the Odoo Logger

Add Custom Logging Filters and Formatter. In the file odoo/netsvc.py , include the following classes:

class uidFilterSeq(logging.Filter):
    def filter(self, record):
        if odoo and odoo.http and odoo.http.request:
            if odoo.http.request.uid or odoo.http.request.session.uid:
                if odoo.http.request.uid:
                    user_id = odoo.http.request.uid
                elif odoo.http.request.session.uid:
                    user_id = odoo.http.request.session.uid
                if odoo.http.request.uid or odoo.http.request.session.uid:
                    record.user_id = user_id
                    # res = get_partner_user(user_id)
                    # if res:
                    #     record.user_partner = {'user_id': res['user_id'],
                    #                            'user_login': res['user_login'],
                    #                            'partner_id': res['partner_id'],
                    #                            'partner_name': res['partner_name']}
            if odoo.http.request.httprequest.cookies and 'visitor_uuid' in odoo.http.request.httprequest.cookies:
                record.visitor_id = odoo.http.request.httprequest.cookies['visitor_uuid']
            if odoo.http.request.httprequest.remote_addr:
                record.client_address = odoo.http.request.httprequest.remote_addr
        return True

class PerfFilterSeq(logging.Filter):
    def filter(self, record):
        if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), "query_count"):
            query_count = threading.current_thread().query_count
            query_time = threading.current_thread().query_time
            perf_t0 = threading.current_thread().perf_t0
            remaining_time = time.time() - perf_t0 - query_time
            record.perf_info = {'query_count': "%d" % query_count,
                                'query_time': "%.3f" % query_time,
                                'remaining_time': "%.3f" % remaining_time}
            delattr(threading.current_thread(), "query_count")
        return True

class DBFormatterSeq(logging.Formatter):
    def format(self, record):
        record.pid = os.getpid()
        return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)

Integrate the Seq Logging Handler. After the blocks handling tools.config['syslog']: and elif tools.config['logfile']:, add this snippet to configure Seq logging:

elif tools.cronfig['log_seq']:
    loghost = tools.config['log_seq']

    def record_factory_seq(*args, **kwargs):
        record = old_factory(*args, **kwargs)
        # We need to change the runbot to info level because seq don't have a runbot level
        if record.levelno == logging.RUNBOT:
            record.levelno = logging.INFO
        return record

    handler = GelfUdpHandler(
        host=str(loghost.split(':')[0]), port=int(loghost.split(':')[1]),
        include_extra_fields=True, debug=True

Then, between the block that checks for a POSIX system with a TTY stream and the else: clause, insert the following code:

elif isinstance(handler, GelfUdpHandler):
    formatter = DBFormatterSeq(format)
    perf_filter = PerfFilterSeq()