Basic Cisco Network Configuration
Basic commands
Enter privileged mode
Router>enable or en
Enter global configuration mode
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router#configure terminal or conf t
Exit the current configuration mode and return to the previous mode
See the list of available commands in the current mode
This will display all available commands. If there is a -More-, you can either do it to display the next line or make a space to display the next page. To quit the display, press the Q key or CTRL + C combination
Routeur#copy running-config startup-config or copy run start
Destination filename ?
Building configuration...
Building configuration...
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Secure a router/switch
Set the name of the router and the domain name
Router(config)#hostname <name>
Router(config)#ip domain-name <domain_name>
Router(config)#no hostname
Router(config)#no ip domain-name
Prevent unwanted DNS lookups
Router(config)#no ip domain-lookup
Set a console password
Router(config)#line console 0
Router(config-line)#password <password>
Set a telnet password
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)#password <remote_access_password>
Set a preferred mode password
Router(config)#enable secret <password>
Create/remove a banner
Router(config)#banner motd #
Router(config)#no banner motd
Encrypt passwords
Router(config)#service password-encryption
Add vlan to a switch
Switch(config)#vlan <number>
Switch(config-if)#name <name>
Switch(config)#no vlan <number>
Switch(config)#interface <interface> or interface range <interface>
Switch(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch(config-if)#switchport access vlan <number>
Switch(config)#interface range fastEthernet 0/2-24
Switch static mapping
Switch(config)#mac-address-table static <mac_address> vlan <vlan> interface <output_interface>
Add a default gateway
Switch(config)#ip default-gateway <ip_address>
View and test
Router#ping <ip_address>
Switch#show interfaces
Router#show ip route or sh ip rou
Switch#show ip interface brief or sh ip int br
Switch#show ipv6 interface brief or sh ipv6 int br
IP addressing on router
Add an ip address
- Interface: Fa0/0
- IP adress:
- Subnet Mask:
Router(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
Router(config-if)#ip address
Router(config-if)#description <text>
Router(config-if)#no shutdown or no sh
Router(config)#int fa0/0
Router(config-if)#no shutdown or no sh
Remove an ip address
Router(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
Router(config-if)#no ip address
Router(config)#int fa0/0
Router(config-if)#shutdown or sh
ipv6 routing is disabled on your routers which prevents ipv6 communication between different pc. You must activate it with this command:
Router(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing
IPv6 addressing with link-local
Router(config)#int fa0/0
Router(config-if)#ipv6 address FE80::1 link-local
Router(config-if)#no shutdown or no sh
Add IPv6 addressing
Router(config)#int fa0/0
Router(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:....:1/64
Router(config-if)#no shutdown or no sh
IPv4 Route static
Add a route
A static route connected directly and fully defined:
Router(config)#ip route <network_address> <subnet_mask> <output_interface>
A recursive static route:
Router(config)#ip route <network_address> <subnet_mask> <ip_address_of_the_next_device>
Router(config)#ip route <network_address> <subnet_mask> <output_interface> <ip_address of_the_next_device>
Remove a route
Router(config)#no ip route <network_address> <subnet_mask> <output_interface>
Router(config)#no ip route <network_address> <subnet_mask> <ip_address_of_the_next_device>
Default IPv4 static route
Router(config)#ip route <output_interface>
IPv6 Route static
A static route connected directly and fully defined:
Router(config)#ipv6 route <network_address> <output_interface>
A recursive static route:
- Subnet or information must go: 2001:6A8:3540:A::1/64
- Ipv6 address of the interface of the next device: 2001:6A8:3540:D::1
Router(config)#ipv6 route 2001:6A8:3540:A::1/64 2001:6A8:3540:D::1
Default IPv6 static route
Router(config)#ipv6 route ::/0 <ipv6_address_of_the_next_device>
Router(config)#ipv6 route ::/0 <output_interface>
Save to a TFTP server
!!!! Copy to a server
copy running-config tftp
!!!! Copy from a server
copy tftp running-config