Automated Cleanup Docker Images
This Bash script lists Docker images sorted by creation date (most recent first), grouped by repository. It excludes specific repositories like debian and ubuntu and removes old images from the same repository, keeping only the most recent one. It also prunes unused Docker objects after the cleanup.
# List images sorted by date of creation (most recent first), grouped by repository only
exclude_repos="debian ubuntu"
docker images --format " " | \
sort -k2,2 -k3,3 | \
awk '{print $1}' | \
uniq | \
while read repository; do
if [[ -z "$(echo $processed_repos | grep -w $repository)" && -z "$(echo $exclude_repos | grep -w $repository)" ]]; then
processed_repos+="$repository "
echo "Processing repository: $repository"
# Get all image IDs for this repository
ids=$(docker images --format " " | grep "$repository" | awk '{print $1}')
# If there are multiple IDs, delete all except the most recent
if [ $(echo "$ids" | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then
echo "$ids" | tail -n +2 | while read id; do
echo "Deleting old image: $id for repository $repository"
docker rmi "$id"
echo "Skipping excluded repository: $repository"
# Indicate completion of image cleanup
echo "Image cleanup completed."
# Prune unused Docker objects
sudo docker system prune -f
# Indicate completion of Docker object cleanup
echo "Docker object cleanup completed."